How to Increase the Value of Your Car before Selling

When it comes to selling a car, the better the condition that it is in, the more money it is worth. If you need to get an idea of the value of your car, then you can take a look at the RACQ website and enter your vehicle’s details.

It is worth bearing in mind that they will base the valuation on the car being in top condition. To make sure that you can sell your car for the maximum amount of money, you should take care of your vehicle, and you may even want to make repairs before selling it.

A Full-Service History

If you find out what your car is worth you will want to make sure that you have the full history of the car documented. You will want the service history in full, as well as any repairs that have been done.

When you have the full history of a car, then a potential buyer can take a look at it and see if any significant work has been done, or if there is the possibility of major work being required.

Make Minor Repairs

You may also wish to make minor repairs to your vehicle before you look to sell. You will want to make sure that everything works properly such as lights, electric windows and mirrors, locks, AC, and radio. If there are any known problems, then you may end up getting less when it comes to selling.

With certain issues, such as lights, it is important also for safety reasons, and if you are pulled over by the Police with an indicator not working, it could end up costing you more money!

Give It A Good Cleaning

Nobody wants to buy a dirty car, so before you try and sell it, you will want to give it a good cleaning. It is worth your time to detail the vehicle both inside and out; and when the paintwork is cleaned up, you may see some minor blemishes which you can address giving them a touch-up.

Make sure that the boot is also clean with the jack and spare tire stored correctly. It is worth spending some time making an effort on the inside of the vehicle making sure that you clean the upholstery, carpets, as well as the dashboard.

Change The Tires

If your tires are bordering on being road legal, you may also wish to change them before you attempt to sell your vehicle. It is not necessary to get the top of the range tires, but having full tread will help you to get a little extra cash for your car when it comes to selling.

If you take good care of your vehicle, you will be able to scrub it up so that it looks almost new. Service your car regularly and document everything that you do to the vehicle so that when it comes to selling it, you have a full history to show potential buyers.

If you are selling using an online service, make sure that you shop around so that you can sell your car for the maximum amount of money. You can have cash in your pocket before you know it!

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