Additional Skills That Could Boost Your Earnings

There is always something new to learn, and the more we learn the more skilful and better we are at things. Learning makes the man of us, and it enhances our potential to better our environment and improve our lots in life.

There is a saying that the day anyone stops learning is the day he starts dying, and nothing can be truer than this – in fact, many workers are laid off for redundancy because they have largely not learnt an additional skill that can make their service invaluable to employers.

You know the meaning of redundancy, don’t you? Well, simply put, redundancy means being “useless”, “unneeded”, and “one too many” at a workplace.

The only thing that can ever make you useless, unneeded, and one-too-many in your place of work is when you have outlived your career value because you have nothing new to bring to the table; the company now considers you liability because you have no new skills that are of value to your employer.

In fact, your employer now thinks “an old dog learns no new tricks” and so sets you toppling overall because you have failed to learn new and additional skills that could improve your value and make you inestimable to your employer.

To obtain additional skills that could make you invaluable to your employer and even boost your earnings, you must do a combination of the following:

Go for higher education

Education can always be synonymous with skills, and the more educated you are at a particular field the more skilful you are at tasks pertaining to that field. You must therefore for more education with a view to gaining additional skills related to your profession.

If you had a college degree, then go for your B.Sc; and if you had your B.Sc then go for your Masters, and then PhD and so on until you become quite skilful at your career field.

Go for professional certifications

You must also consider acquiring professional certifications related to your field and career tasks. If you are a website designer and developer, then go for industry-related certifications in Oracle, Microsoft, programming and whatever.

You must also have certifications from industry-related associations or regulatory bodies overseeing your profession.

Learn the computer and other career equipment

Whatever you do in your place of work today, go for computer literary studies to get better at it. Learn how to use the computer to work better and faster, and also learn how to use machines and equipment that are necessary for the line of your trade.

For instance, learn to use the computer for editing jobs if you’re already an editor; learn how to drive a truck if you’re a commercial or personal driver; learn how to also paint a house if you are only a bricklayer.

Learn leadership skills

Learn leadership skills regardless of the fact that you are a junior staff. Go for leadership trainings and MBAs in order to learn how to manage situations and people.

Employers will give you bigger responsibilities if you are able to manage events and people to achieve a common end. Do not forget that your ability to multi-task at your job will also endear you to your employer and make you more invaluable to anyone that you work with.

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