Types of Relationships and How They Relate To Your Daily Life

A relationship is the state of mutual dealings and emotional connectedness between people. As human beings, we are defined and shaped by relationships. Our interactions and relationships with people determine who we are and who we become. Whether we become backward or achieve our full statures in life also depends on who we relate with and on what terms. We shall examine five or more human relationships and how they relate to our daily lives.

  1. Family Relationship

You know what that is, don’t you? It is your closeness and oneness to your parents, siblings, grandparents, uncles, nieces and children. Your closeness to your immediate and extended family members go a long way to determine how far you will go in life. For instance, Aliko Dangote was reported to have started his business with a loan from Dantata, his uncle, in the early 70s. A friend of mine bought his first car with money borrowed from his maternal-grandfather and he is a big businessman today. Family relationships give you a headstart in life, and it may sustain your current position in life.

  1. Business Relationship

There are two ways to make it in life: work for someone or have people work for you. Both work relationships are essential to getting ahead in life. The way you relate with your boss and fellow workers determines how far you go in that workplace and how long you remain there. The way you also treat your employees will determine how well they serve you and how well your business performs. Business relationships must be taken seriously, for it is what puts food on the table and makes you what you become in life and career.

  1. Romantic Relationship

A romantic relationship is expressive of sexual love and amorous feelings. Almost everyone falls in love, even though we all understand love differently. Who you love and who loves you in return go a long way to determine who you become or where you get to in life. The way you carry yourself throughout a whole day could be indicative of how happy you are in love. People who are in an unhappy relationship become sour most of the time, and this negatively affects how they perform in their daily routines.

  1. Religious Relationship

The relationship that exists between a pastor and his church brethren is a religious one. It is a relationship that is backgrounded in the salvation experience of each church member, and their endeavours to make eternal life. Brethren in the church, mosque and other major religions would love themselves unconditionally, and this loving interaction sustains people in all they do in every other aspect of their daily lives. People conduct themselves based on their religious outlooks, and this is shapen largely by the doctrines of the religion and the interactions flowing from such doctrines.

  1. Neighbourhood Relationship

Do people in your neighbourhood great and treat you kindly because you help their children to school? Does that store-owner at the end of your street give you discounts because you members of the same landlords’ association? That is a neighbourhood relationship. It is a relationship that started because you live in the same street or neighbourhood and loosely pursue similar objectives on account of the vicinity. The relationships that exist between landlords, tenants, and other persons within a particular surrounding could impact how an individual lives out his daily routines.

Toxic Relationships That Should Be Avoided At All Costs

Not all relationships are good and beneficial. Some are even toxic and should be avoided. Here are some types of relationships that must be avoided at all costs because of the dangers inherent in them:

  • Relationships that make you feel exploited, insecure and unwanted
  • Relationships that bring out your worst fears and the bad sides of you
  • Relationships that are fueled by the passions of sex, jealousy, avarice, etc.
  • Relationships that are one-sided
  • Relationships built on lies, hypocrisy, and criticisms
  • Punitive relationships rife with physical and emotional abuse
  • All-consuming relationships where parties are obsessed with each other and think of nothing else

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